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Log File Provision

Service portfolio

Technical provision

INFOnline performs the technical implementation in cooperation with the customer. Once the order for the log file provision service (advanced) has been received by INFOnline, the INFOnline support team sets up the respective site for log file provision. The client will receive an e-mail with the URL, login info for accessing the data, and all other necessary information within 2 working days.

Service & Support

Technical support and organisational services by the INFOnline Service & Support Team is included in the log file provision service (advanced).

Note to Log file provision advanced

The log file provision service advanced extends the separate log file cells by information of the used device with the help of the Device Database of 51 degrees.

Limiting and framework conditions

Ordering the service

INFOnline customers can order access to the log files for any of their sites. In order to set up log file
provision the customer needs to send an e-mail to the Service & Support.

INFOnline will set up access to the log files within 2 working days and will inform the customer via e-mail. This e-mail will contain the access URL of the web portal and a password.

Customers may only access the log data for their own site or sites. A separate login account is generated for each individual site.


Due to safety issues you cannot undertake more than 3 data retrievals at the same

Duration and termination

The Log File Provision Service (advanced) can be terminated by e-mailing the Service & Support
Team at least 4 weeks before the end of a quarter.

The Log File Provision Service (advanced) begins with the setup process described above and ends
as soon as the notice of termination e-mail has been received by INFOnline or the customer contract
for the respective site has been terminated.

The duration is measured by month. If log file access is set up prior to the 15th of a given month, that month will be counted as a whole month of service. If log file access is set up after the 15th of a given month, the 1st of the following month will be the first day to count towards the term of the contract.


The setup fee for this additonal Log File Provision Service (advanced) is €100.

The annual fees for the Log File Provision Service (advanced) are calculated based on the same measurement base as regular HTTP measurement (new customers = page impressions from the last month of the trial phase / existing customers = average no. of page impressions in the 2nd quarter of the previous year) and is displayed in the table below.

The following list contains net prices including value-added tax. Accounts are invoiced quarterly and in advance in the first month of the quarter. The discount schedule does not apply to the Log File Provision Service (advanced) prices.

Log File Provision Service /
Setup feeAnnual feeAdditional costs
for log file
up to 10.000.000 PIs100 €100 €25 €
10.000.001 – 100.000.000 PIs100 €500 €125 €
100.000.001 – 500.000.000 PIs100 €1.000 €250 €
500.000.001 – PIs100 €1.500 €3750 € – PIs100 €2.000 €500 € PIs – + PIsUpon request Upon request Upon request

Technical Informationen

Data interface

The log files can be accessed via a web portal at<angebotskennung>. The data can then be accessed via download following HTTP authentication; the data is encrypted and transmitted via SSL. The specific URL for accessing the data and the access info will be sent in the setup e-mail. Customers may only access the log data for their own site or sites. A separate login account with its own password is generated for each individual site.
The log data is available as a compressed text file (gzip). Each file contains the log data for a time interval of five minutes. The time period for the log recording can be identified based on the file name. The file name is composed as follows:
[siteID]_[end of log recording for this file as Unix time stamp].gz
In order to be able to identify individual log files and to enable automatic processing, directory listing on the web server is explicitly permitted.

Data availability

Due to technical issues the data flow log files cannot be made available in real time but with a delay of approx. 5 minutes.
The log files are stored for a max. of 7 days and can be accessed at any point in this period. After the storage period has expired, the files are deleted from the system. The files are not saved beyond the seven day period.
The log files are provided at an availability rate of 99%.

Data formats of log files

Each row of the log file contains different data that is collected by SZMnG / SZMmobil in the measurement impulse. The data collected for stationary websites and MEWs is identical; the data collected for apps contains additional information.

Detallierte Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Kapitel JSON-Datenformate.

„ae“ native Apps Ereignisse im nativen Teil einer App
„mi“ hybride Apps Ereignisse im hybride Teil einer App (z.B. Content aus Webseite)

Data fields in log files for stationary sites, MEWs and apps

For mobiles and stationary sites, the data fields for a measurement impulse in a log row are separated by a pipe symbol (|, for data that is centrally collected by the measuring system) or an ampersand (&, when collected by the “iam.js” measurement script or for data that is supplemented by the measurement system).
Log files for apps contain additional data in the data fields for each row that is collected by the app’s measuring library (separated by “&”, may be JSON data types).
Not all data fields are always included in a log row. This pertains to data that clients can optionally use in an SZM tag (see Tab. below, Section “Public / Optional“) as well as other data.  
The volume of data collected by the measurement script or measurement library / supplemented by the measurement system (see Tab. below, Section “Private…“ and “Private / apps“)  may differ depending on browser type and the type of measurement (stationary site, MEW, app native or hybrid).

Example: Excerpt from stationary site log file 

1380279169.3429|| ||OK|000605e97501e61fd50f475930001 |st=infonlin&cp=sus&mg=yes&sv=in&co=ein%20Kommentar&pt=CP& & & &id=qpc1so&lt=1380279168058&ev=&cs=z26cu9&la=1380273421 |i00=00145b9eb35278f965242b3dc0001%3B5242b4a4%3B53c79048 |Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 ||015|web|OK|OK

Log file provison advanced

Log file provision advanced extends each log file row with the help of the Device Database from 51Degrees by information from the used device.

The extension of the log row through the DDB information is composed of the following:

{„PlatformVersion“: „10.0“, „PlatformName“: „Windows“, „Browsername“: „InternetExplorer“, „DeviceType“: „Desktop“, „BrowserVersion“: „7.0“}|DE/Nordrhein-Westfalen

Example: excerpt from log file advanced from a stationary site 

1380279169.3429|| ||OK|000605e97501e61fd50f475930001 |st=infonlin&cp=sus&mg=yes&sv=in&co=ein%20Kommentar&pt=CP& & & &id=qpc1so&lt=1380279168058&ev=&cs=z26cu9&mo=1&la=1380273421 |i00=00145b9eb35278f965242b3dc0001%3B5242b4a4%3B53c79048 |Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 ||015|web|OK|OK {„PlatformVersion“: „10.0“, „PlatformName“: „Windows“, „Browsername“: „InternetExplorer“, „DeviceType“: „Desktop“, „BrowserVersion“: „7.0“}|DE/Nordrhein-Westfalen

Explanations of the data fields according to the above example

Beispieldaten Erläuterung
Vom Messsystem erhoben (Anfang der Logzeile, durch | getrennt)
1380279169.3429 Zeitstempel (Unix Timestamp) des Messimpulses in Sekunden Client-IP, um 1 Byte gekürzt
[leer] Inhalt des HTTP-Headers „X-forwarded-for“, i.d.R. leer, event. vorhandene IPs werden um 1 Byte gekürzt (hier leer) Hostname / Name des angefragten Systems
OK Statuscode (mögl. Werte: „OK“, “N1”, “N3”-„N8“, „N10“-„N11“, kann mehrere Werte enthalten, Erläuterung s. u)
000605e97501e61fd50f475930001 ID bestehend aus: Vier Stellen der IAM-Boxnummer in Hexadezimal + 13 Stellen Zufallszahl + Timestamp in Hexadezimal + vierstellige Seriennummer des an den Client gesendeten Cookie
Öffentlich (vom Kunden per SZM-Tag oder in der App gesetzt, durch & getrennt)
cp=sus Seitencode (kann auch per fp= [bei Flash], np= [bei Newslettern], xp= [für nicht zu zählenden Test] ange­geben werden)
st=infonlin Angebotskennung / App-Kennung bei App-Messung
Öffentlich / Optional (vom Kunden optional per SZM-Tag oder in der App gesetzt, durch & getrennt, kann Standardwerte enthalten)
co=ein%20Kommentar Kommentarfeld
sc=yes MCVD (Multistage Client & Visit Detection) Aktivierung, nur Web/MEW (hier nicht vorhanden)
ie= vom Kunden (Webseite/Applikation) übermittelter Fingerprint für den Client (hier nicht vorhanden)
mc= Übergabewert für MCLIENT-Verfahren (hier nicht vorhanden)
mg=yes Status Weiterleitung des Aufrufes an das alte SZM-System (Migrationstag)
mo=1 Modus für die Antwort des Systems auf eine Anfrage: Keine Angabe = blank.gif 1 = blank.gif 2 = leeres Script
oc= Code altes SZM-System (Migrationstag) (hier nicht vorhanden)
sv=in Status FraBo-Anforderung (mögl. Werte: in, i2, ke, mo)
tb= Status Tabbingerkennung (hier nicht vorhanden)
Privat (durch Messscript oder Messlibrary erhoben, durch & getrennt)
cb=0007 Cube-Nummer: Nr. des Messservers, welcher das Script „iam.js“ ausgeliefert hat
cs=z26cu9 Checksumme: Prüfsumme über alle übermittelten Parameter
ev= Event bei Apps, Bewegtbild und Audio (hier leer)
i3= Informationen des First Party Cookies bei MCVD Aktivierung
id=qpc1so Browser-Fingerprint: Durch den Browser übermittelte Plugin-Informationen und Softwarestände als Jenkins Hash, vergl.
lo=DE%2FNordrhein-Westfalen Location als Land u. Bundesland
lt=1380279168058 Lokale Zeit auf Client
pt=CP Pixeltyp für Migrationstag altes SZM-System
r2=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infon­ ungekürzter Document Referrer Document Referrer Pixel Referrer (aufgerufene Webseite des Angebots)
u2= [nur bei bestimmten Browsern (Safari)] ungekürzter Pixel Referrer (hier nicht vorhanden)
vr=412 Version des Scripts „iam.js“
xy=1920x1080x32 Auflösung u. Farbtiefe Clientbildschirm
Privat (durch Messsystem ergänzt, durch & getrennt)
la=1380273421 letztes Auftreten des Cookies
mt= Zeitpunkt der Registrierung des Events auf dem IO-Messserver (hier nicht vorhanden)
u3= Hash ungekürzter Pixel Referrer (hier nicht vorhanden)
Privat / Apps (nur durch Messlibrary erhoben, durch & getrennt)
ae= [Apps native Messung] komplexer JSON-Datentyp, s. Kap. 2.5 (hier nicht vorhanden)
bo= [Apps hybride Messung] Unixtimestamp an welchem die DeviceID ins LSO des Browsers der App geschrie­ben wurde (hier nicht vorhanden)
er= [Apps hybride Messung] Übertragener Fehler (hier nicht vorhanden)
fs= [Apps hybride Messung] originale Angebotskennung der in der App aufgerufenen Webseite, st= enthält dann die App-Kennung (hier nicht vorhanden)
ls= [Apps hybride Messung] LSO-Identifier (hier nicht vorhanden)
mi= [Apps hybride Messung] komplexer JSON-Datentyp, s. Kap. 2.5 hier nicht vorhanden)
Vom Messsystem erhoben (Ende der Logzeile, durch | getrennt)
i00=00145b9eb35278f965242b3dc0001%3B5242b4a4%3B53c79048 Wert des Cookies i00 der Domäne „“
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 Useragent-String des genutzten Browser­port/ Durch den Nutzer aufgerufene URL der Webseite (HTTP Referrer), Ausnahme AMP-Aufrufe
015 Nr. des Messservers, welcher den Request entgegen­genommen hat
web Typ der Messung (aktuell „web“, „mew“, „app“, „hyb“ möglich)
OK Ergebnis des Checks gegen die Locallist (mögliche Werte: OK, ERR)
OK Ergebnis des Checks gegen die User-Agent-Whitelist (mögliche Werte: OK, ERR)

Additional data fields using the log file provision service advanced

Von DDB erhoben (Ende des Logfile, durch , getrennt)
„PlatformVersion“: „10.0“, Gibt die Version des eingesetzten Betriebssystems an
„PlatformName“: „Windows“ Gibt das eingesetzte Betriebssystem an
„Browsername“: „InternetExplorer“ Gibt den eingesetzten Browser an
„DeviceType“: „Desktop“ Gibt den Devicetyp an, mögliche Einträge: Desktop, SmartPhone, Tablet, Mobile, SmallScreen, EReader, Tv, MediaHub, Console
„BrowserVersion“: „7.0“ Gibt die verwendete Browserversion an
DE/Nordrhein-Westfalen Geolokalisierung durch DDB

Explanation of status code

Statuscode Bedeutung Auswirkung
OK No Error (Wenn kein Fehler aufgetreten ist, Notifications (Nx) sind möglich) normal
N1 No uuid found, inside ae or mi normal
N3 uuid found, ie set normal
N4 i00-Cookie not set normal
N5 Renew cookie, because of lower serial normal
N6 mi found, ie set (Hybrid-Messung) normal
N7 ls found, ie set (iPhone-Hack) normal
N8 no id found, using hash normal
N9 no id found, using hash plus JavaScript Fingerprint normal
N10 LSO not accessible normal
N11 fault normal
N12 Markierung für IPv6 (Vorbereitung auf IPv6) normal
N13 Codetyp fehlte in Aufruf, es wird dann auf CP gesetzt und der Standard-Leercode gesetzt (JS-Funktionalität) normal
N14 Cookie defekt, wurde neu gesetzt normal

JSON data fields in app log files

Additional data is generated with each measurement impulse when measuring apps. This data is made available to the INFOnline measurement library in the JSON data file format.   This data is found in the “ae” / “mi” data fields that are added to a log row.

The “ae” data field is generated by the measuring library for events in the native part of an app (native measurement). If, on the other hand, content from the Internet is loaded and displayed by the app (hybrid measurement), the measurement library will only make the “mi” data field available within the log.

Example: Excerpt from an app log file

1349866706.1954|| ||OK E1|57d09c28fa217aefe182752f679c1230000|
ae={"library":{"configVersion":"1.1","libVersion":"1.0.0","debug":true,"offerIdentifier" :"iamtest"},"application":"package":"com.infonline.testapp","versionCode":1,"versionName" :"1.0"},"protocolVersion":1,"client":{"platform":"samsung,Galaxy Nexus,maguro,google, tuna,yakju","screen":{"size":2,"dpi":320,"resolution":"720x1184"},"osVersion":"4.1.1", "osIdentifier":"android","uuids":"androidId":"7c607f21b570e99fe9f8d1c6ef8606d", "installationId":"3e35412c254769ea2d829bf6de29f0ba",
"view","network":1}}&ie=57d09c28fa217aefe182752f679c123&st=iamtest&lt=1349866705&ev=view-disappeared&cp=mainscreen&co=einKommentar&xy=720x1184x| |Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; Galaxy Nexus Build/JRO03C)| |002|app|OK|ERR

Example: Excerpt  from log file advanced for an app

1349866706.1954|| ||OK E1|57d09c28fa217aefe182752f679c1230000|
mi={"library":"configVersion":"1.1","libVersion":"1.0.0","debug":true,"offerIdentifier" :"iamtest","customerData":"xyz","debug":true}, "application":{"package":"com.infonline.testapp","versionCode":1,"versionName":"1.0"} ,"protocolVersion":1,"client":{"platform":"samsung,Galaxy Nexus,maguro,google,tuna,yakju" , "screen":{"size":2,"dpi":320,"resolution":"720x1184"},"osVersion":"4.1.1","osIdentifier" :"android","uuids":"androidId":"7c607f21b570e99fe9f8d1c6ef8606d","installationId": "3e35412c254769ea2d829bf6de29f0ba","wifiMac":"543e8f2c6960651119652a45ce44cd24","imei" :"57d09c28fa217aefe182752f679c123"},"carrier":"","language":"de", "network":1,"country":"DE"},“stats”:{"overallDroppedEvents":0},"events":{"timestamp":1349866705,"state":"disappeared","ad":0,“comment”:”einKommentar”,"paid":0, "category":"mainscreen","identifier":"view","network":1}}&ie=57d09c28fa217aefe182752f679c123 &st=iamtest&lt=1349866705&ev=view-disappeared&cp=mainscreen&co=einKommentar&xy=720x1184x | |Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; Galaxy Nexus Build/JRO03C)| |002|app|OK|ERR| {"PlatformVersion": "4.1.1", "PlatformName": "Android", "BrowserName": "Android", "DeviceType": "SmartPhone", "BrowserVersion": "4.1.1"}| DE/Nordrhein-Westfalen

Example: “ae” value for an app on Android (reformatted for better legibility)

Example: “mi” value for an app on iOS (reformatted for better legibility)

Explanation of JSON data

Von Messlibrary erhoben
application[ae] Angaben zur Version der App
client[ae, mi] Angaben zum Client (OS, OS-Version, Land, Sprache, Carrier etc.)
client/screen[ae, mi] Angaben zur Bildschirmauflösung des Clients
client/uuids[ae, mi] Div. UUIDs des Clients (z. B. „advertisingIden­tifier“ bei iOS oder „androidId“ bei Android)
events[ae] OS-Event, der den Messimpuls ausgelöst hat
library[ae, mi] Angaben zur Version der Messlibrary
protocolVersion[ae] Version des JSON-Objektes
stats[ae] Fehler beim Eventhandling